How To Fold A T-Shirt To Keep It Crease Free | How To Fold A Top

Let’s face it: folding t-shirts is a pretty dull chore. Pulling one after the other out of the laundry basket, squaring them up, laying them down, repeating again and again and again only for them to end up creased.

But like all tasks we have to master, why not make it fun? Well – as fun as it can be. These techniques will have your tees looking fresh and crease free, as well as mixing up a boring part of your routine.

Here are five methods of folding t-shirts for you to get to grips with.


This is the simple way your parents probably taught you as a child and it has more-than-likely stuck with you ever since.

Lay the T-shirt flat out, face down.

Fold the shirt in half from sleeve to sleeve. When complete, take the two sleeves that are sticking out on top of one another and fold them back on themselves towards the middle of the tee.

Now fold the shirt in half, from top to bottom. If you’ve not got too much room in your drawer, fold the T-shirt in half yet again for a more compact shape.

So simple even a five-year-old you could do it.


Ever wondered how they fold tees so crisp and neatly in your favourite clothing stores? The second you hold one up to make sure it fits you know there is no chance you’ll be putting it back as neatly as you found it. This method is as simple as it is effective.

Lay the T-shirt face down in front of you. Take your left thumb and pinch the right-hand top of the shirt next to the collar.

Take the right-hand sleeve and fold it inwards towards your thumb, pulling it tightly.

Repeat this trick on the opposite side of the tee so the folded-in sides lay next to one another or overlapping (try to make your t-shirt narrower at the bottom).

Take the bottom of the T-shirt and fold it up to the armpits. Take the bottom of that newly-created fold and fold that up to the collar.

Flatten the T-shirt and you have a square with the collar at the top, just like you find on display in your favourite high street shop.


This one is popular in the armed forces because it takes up less space than the others. It is also the best option if you are travelling light and need to fit as many clothes as possible into your bag, making it perfect for a romantic city break.

Lay the shirt flat, face up. Fold the bottom of the shirt up three inches as if you would the turn-ups on your trousers.

Smooth the fabric out before folding the shirt into thirds. Take the left-hand side of your shirt and fold it a third of the way into the chest of the shirt, folding the sleeve back onto itself.

Repeat with the right-hand side.

Once you have a T-shirt one-third of its regular width, roll the tee up tightly, beginning at the collar.

Once you get to the bottom, unfold the bottom of the shirt you had turned up and tuck it over the rolled-up shirt to hold it into place.

Great for transporting or storing in small areas, but not the best if you want a crease-less shirt to throw straight on.


This one may take a bit of practice, but once you’ve mastered it you’ll never go back – a great fold that can be done in seconds.

Lay the tee out flat. With your left hand, pinch the T-shirt halfway down, an inch in from the left-hand side, ensuring you’re grasping the top and bottom of the shirt.

Use your right hand to grasp the top of the shirt, just left of the collar.

Keeping your left hand still, use your right hand to pull the top of the T-shirt down to the bottom, adding that part of the shirt to your grasp.

Holding on, uncross your arms and lay the T-shirt face down.

Fold the front of the shirt back over itself to leave you with a neat square of fabric with the collar at the top.


Got space in your wardrobe? Just hang the T-shirt up.

Okay, it’s basically cheating, but if you’ve got the space then it saves a lot of time and ensures a lack of creasing.

Make sure you use plastic hangers as wire ones can leave you with bumps in the fabric.

You’ll never have to worry about your new tees and tops getting creased when they sit in the wardrobe. If this isn’t a good excuse to get shopping, then what is? Explore Robert Goddard’s new-in section to update your wardrobe with stylish season favourites.